Recent Maintenance – COCO

COCO operational status:


IDA engineers visited the station and replaced the KS-54000 seismometer with a Trillium360 seismometer, performed maintenance on the connections between the wellhead and recording room, and telemetry system.


The station is back on-line after IDA engineers visited the station and replaced the STS-2 with a Trillium 120PH seismometer.  The engineers replaced the SIB for the KS-54000 but data from that seismometer remains non-seismic.  There is suspected damage to the KS-54000 seismometer.


IDA station COCO is down as of day 2013,148-14:00. All channels from the KS-54000 seismometer are non-seismic following a large channel offset.


Telemetry was restored after the station operator switched power back on to the modem.


Telemetry to the station is down since day 2013,080-04:54 for reasons yet to be determined. The station operator has been requested to investigate.


The station operator reports flooding in the secondary sensor vault. The STS-2, digitizer, power distribution box, and Aux box may be damaged.


There are no data from the COCO 10 digitizer since day 2013:054-04:39 for reasons yet to be determined. A faulty digitizer is suspected.


Data quality for the North-South channels from the KS-54000 seismometer is poor as of day 2011,189-17:30 for reasons yet to be determined.


An IDA engineer visited the station and upgraded it to a Quanterra Q330HR system. Seismometers installed include KS54000 and STS-2 seismometers, and an episensor strong motion detector. There are some issues with data quality from the KS54000 seismometer. An IDA engineer is still on-site to troubleshoot, but an approaching cyclone is delaying work progress at this time.


The station was down from about day 2008,122-19:28 to 2008,127-23:45 due to problems with power to the DAS. The station came back on-line after the station operator disconnected all the power cords and then reconnected them.


IDA station COCO is back online as of about day 2008,049 after the station operator cycled power to the DAS.


The station is down as of about day 2008,041 due to problems with the DAS that are yet to be determined.


The East-West channels from the KS-54000 seismometer were flatlined from about day 2008,005 to 2008,007. The channels were restored after the DAS was rebooted. Previous to this the station was down briefly from day 2008,004 to 2008,005 until the DAS was rebooted by the station operator.


Data quality for the North-South channels from the KS-54000 seismometer is poor as of about day 2007,341 for reasons that are yet to be determined.


The East-West channels from the KS-54000 seismometer were restored at about day 192-18:25, after an IDA engineer visited the station and replaced a faulty circuit board in the DAS.


Data quality for the North-South channels from the KS-54000 seismometer is poor as of about day 125 for reasons that are yet to be determined.


Telemetry to the station is currently down for reasons yet to be determined. The last data received is from day 067-01:41. The station operator reports that the station computer is up and running fine, and that they are still able to write data CDs.


The station operator replaced a faulty GPS clock. The GPS clock had been in an unlocked state since day 353 of 2006.


The vertical channels from the KS-54000 were intermittently non-seismic from day 259 to 268 (Sept.16-25) and day 275 to 276 (Oct.2-3). The channels were restored after the DAS was rebooted.


The vertical channels from the KS-54000 seismometer were restored after the station operator swapped boards with the East-West channel. The East-West channel is now out.


The vertical channels from the KS-54000 seismometer are out due to a faulty RT303 circuit board in the DAS.


The station is back up as of day 292-10:00 (Oct.19) after IDA engineers replaced the KS-54000 and STS-2 seismometers. The KS-54000 became operable 2005:292-10:00, and the STS-2 about 293-09:24.


The station is down (Apr. 21) due to problems with the DAS.


The short period channels from the STS-2 seismometer are out as of day 87 (March 28).


The station operator removed two faulty RT303 circuit boards in the DAS. The vertical and N-S channels from the KS-54000 seismometer are out until these circuit boards are replaced.


There is a faulty RT303 circuit board in the DAS for the vertical channels from the KS-54000 seismometer. The station operator has been notified with a request to remove the faulty circuit board. The data quality for the N-S channels from the KS-54000 seismometer is poor.


Station is back up after an IDA engineer replaced the main power supply, ARS, and circuit boards in the DAS. Data acquisition resumed day 268 (Sept.24).


Station is down due to power supply problem.


The vertical channels for the KS-54000 sensor are back as of 2004:139-01:00


The vertical channels for the KS-54000 sensor are out as of 2004:137-07:20.


The vertical channels for the KS-54000 sensor are back as of 2004:084-03:30


The vertical channels for the KS-54000 sensor are out as of 2004:076-00:38 (Mar 16).


Engineering tests conducted from 2003.07.08 through 2003.07.09 to determine why the vertical channels from the KS-54000 sensor have excessive noise show that the problem is downhole. Data for this time period is non-seismic.


New EPROMs installed to correct DSP problem. New NRTS workstation installed.


Vertical channels from the KS-54000 sensor have excessive noise, for reasons not yet determined.


Clock has been installed and is now functioning properly


The clock at the station is not working. A replacement has been sent and should arrive soon.