RAYN operational status:
The station is down due to uplink/comms. issue between wellhead and station computers. A faulty switch is suspected, station operator arranging a visit to the station.
IDA engineers visited the station and replaced the faulty STS-5.
Telemetry to the station was restored. An IDA trip to the station is pending to replace the faulty STS-5 and resolve other power and cable issues.
The station is down again as of day 2023,183 due to communications issues between the Q330s and station computers. IDA engineers are preparing for a possible station visit.
The station was down from day 2023,134 (5/14) to 2023,171 (6/20) due to high packet loss between the Q330s and the station computers. The station operator visited the station and restored data acquisition by replacing a damaged cat-5 cable to the switch in the rack. When the station came back up data from the STS-5 is nonseismic. An IDA engineer sent the station operator instructions to check power to the sensor and replace the station backup batteries.
There are telemetry and possible power issues since 11/2/2022. Station operator visit pending.
The station is back up after IDA engineers visited the station and fixed loose connections and replaced a surge arrestor.
The station is down as of day 091-07:40 (April 1). The station has been broken into and vandalized and all copper wires from the power pole to the station were stolen. IDA engineers are working with the station operator to determine what is needed to repair the station.
There are still intermittent local AC power outages at the station. IDA engineers are working with the station operator to investigate.
The station is back up after the station operator replaced the Newmar power supply and tested power system. Further testing of local power may be necessary.
The station is down as of day 2021,099 due to power problems at the station. IDA engineers are working with the station operator to resolve this issue.
The station is up as of day 2018,027-08:55 after IDA engineers visited the station and installed a new Q330 digitizer, a Trillium T360 seismometer and moved and re-installed the STS-5 seismometer.
The station is down as of day 2017,223 (Aug 11) due to failure of both station computers caused by excessive heat in the recording room. The AC unit and station computers need to be replaced.
IDA station RAYN is back online after the link to the station was restored. There was no data lost since 2016,103-15:04.
IDA station RAYN is down since day 2016,103-15:04 due to power problems. The station operator has been requested to investigate.
IDA station RAYN is back up as of day 2015,313-20:00 after an IDA engineer visited the station and restored the connection between the vault and wellhead. Additional work included replacing the CMG-3TB with a STS-5 seismometer, installing a Setra microbarometer in the vault, relocating the episensor and Paroscientific microbarometer, and upgrading the power system. The BBZ00 channels were restored after the CMG-3TB was replaced with an STS-5 seismometer.
IDA station RAYN is down as of day 2015,192-19:36 due to communication problems between the digitizers and the station computer.
An IDA engineer visited the station to perform maintenance and improve the telemetry to the station.
Telemetry was restored after the station operator replaced the modem.
An IDA engineer visited the station and upgraded the power system and replaced the station computer. Telemetry issues are still being investigated. In the meantime, the station operator will copy data to thumb drives and send them to UCSD.
Station is again up but telemetry has not yet been established.
The station is down due to computer failure. The station operator visited the station and replaced the router and switch, and reported the computer has failed.
The station operator confirmed problems with the router. IDA engineers are preparing to ship replacements.
The station operator visited the station and replaced the ethernet switch, restoring communication between the computer and digitizers, and data acquisition. There are still telemetry issues. A faulty router is suspected.
The station operator visited the station and found there is a communication problem between the station computer and the digitizers. The station operator has been requested to replace the network switch.
Telemetry to the station is down since day 2013,079-17:26 for reasons yet to be determined. The station operator has been requested to investigate.
IDA station RAYN was down from day 2013,052-02:54 to 2013,054-10:13 due to problems with power to the station equipment. The station operator visited the station and cycled power to the station computer and modem, and restored data acquisition.
Telemetry to the station is down due to problems with internet service. The station operator is in contact with the ISP to resolve this issue.
Telemetry restored after the station operator contacted the internet service provider.
Telemetry to the station is down as of day 2012,308-06:56 due to problems with the internet service that are yet to be determined.
Data acquisition for the RAYN-00 digitizer was restored at 2012,261-17:56.
There is no data from the RAYN-00 digitizer since the connection to the station was restored after a two day outage. The last BB*00 data is 2012,255-04:30.
Telemetry to the station has been restored as of day 2011,276. There is still a communication problem with the station computer. Data is currently being acquired directly from the two Q330s to the station gateway computer. The station operator has been requested to visit the station to investigate. The vertical channels from the CMG-3TB are non-seismic. Attempts to re-center the CMG-3TB have been unsuccessful.
The station operator visited the station and confirmed the station is acquiring data. Telemetry remains down since there is still a communication problem between the station and the gateway computer.
The station operator restored the connection to the station’s gateway computer, and plans to visit the station next week.
The station operator reports the problem was the computer monitor. However, there now appears to be a power problem at the station. The station operator will be requested to change the fuse in the DC-DC converter.
The station operator reports the station modem is faulty, and plans to replace the modem next week.
The station is down as of day 2011,108-13:27 due to problems with the station computer, and modem and/or router. IDA engineers are working with the station operator to reslove the problems.
The station was down from day 2010,223 to 2010,271 due to failure of the power supply. Data acquisition was restored after the station operator bypassed the UPS.
An IDA engineer visited the station and installed a new CMG-3T seismometer, well-head enclosure, and Q330 digitizer. Attempts to retrieve the KS-54000 seismometer from the borehole were unsuccessful.
The station is back up as of about day 2008,332 after IDA engineers visited the station and upgraded the data acquisition system to a Quanterra Q330HR system.
The station is down due to problems with the ARS that are yet to be determined.
The station is back online as of about day 2007,192. However, there are several large gaps in the data until day 2007,257.
The station is down as of about day 2007,180 due to problems with the ISP that are yet to be determined.
The station came back online after the link between the station and the gateway computer was completed. Data acquisition began about day 113-20:49.
An IDA engineer visited the station and replaced the ISP, and installed a gateway communication computer and routers. Data acquisition will resume after completion of a leased line between the station and gateway computer.
IDA station RAYN is down due to problems with the ISP. A new computer is being prepared for shipment to the station.
The station is back up after an IDA engineer visited the station and replaced a blown fuse in the DAS, and the station’s GPS clock. The broadband channels from the KS-54000 seismometer remain out due to faulty circuit boards in the DAS, which were pulled out and will need to be replaced. The vertical channels for the KS-54000 were intermittently nonseismic since day 079 (Mar.19,2005).
The station is down due to problems with the DAS that are yet to be determined.
The station is up after the station operator replaced the batteries for the solar power system.
The station is down due to power problems.
Station operating normally.
Dual DAT drive and new hard drives shipped.
Station operating normally. Telemetry is down.