Recent Maintenance – ABKT

ABKT operational status: down


No data has been received from the station for almost a year.


The station is acquiring correctly timed data again as of day 2012,072 after an IDA engineer visited the station and replaced the GPS clock.


IDA station ABKT is down as of day 2011,288-08:05 due to timing problems caused by a bug in the software for the GPS clock.


The East-West and North-South channels from the GS-13 seismometer are showing frequent pulses. The seismometer will be replaced when the station is upgraded. The vertical channels from the STS-1 are also showing intermittent spiking.


The station is back on-line after an IDA engineer visited the station and repaired the DAS.


IDA station ABKT is down since day 2010,090-07:00. A faulty circuit board in the DAS is suspected.


The station was brought back on-line as of day 2009,339 after IDA engineers visited the station and replaced the GPS clock, and reconnected cables in the DAS.


The station operator reports replacing the DAS on day 239 (Aug. 27). However, the new DAS is not functioning correctly. The station remains down.


Data received from the station indicates there is a bad RT303 circuit board in the DAS, as well as communication problems between the DAS and ISP. The problem began on day 2009,185-04:07.


The station operator reports that there is no communicaton with the DAS. Only barometer data is being acquired. The problem is yet to be determined.


The vertical channels from the STS-1 sensor are showing excessive spikes as of about day 2008,016 for reasons yet to be determined.


The station operator replaced the GPS clock and data acquisition has resumed.


The station operator reports replacing the DAS with one shipped from UCSD. There are now problems with the GPS clock that are currently being investigated.


The station is down due to communication problems between the DAS and the ISP.


Project IDA engineers visited the site and replaced the station’s power supply, ISP, and strong motion sensor, repaired the STS-1 sensors, and upgraded the station’s telemetry system and software.


Station is up since day 111-08:56 (Apr.21).


Station is down due to communication problems between the ISP and DAS.


Station operating normally.


ABKT gateway disk failed, replacement sent.


Telemetry down.


New EPROMs installed to correct DSP problem.


Station is operating normally. There is a problem telemetering data from the recording site to the host institute. Replacement batteries to address power system failure at Freewave relay site are being shipped to the station.

During the next site visit, the free period of the STS1 sensors should be adjusted.